Saturday, April 30, 2005
It's all uphill from here...Part 3
The obligatory crunchy volunteer got up with a non-functioning bull horn to give us a low down on the course. The walk would be 2 miles, beginning 1/10th of a mile down the road and would resume at the actual Peace Pagoda, which I had not seen at this point.
I took issue to the fact that the starting line was 1/10th of mile from our current position. Shouldn't that make the course 2 and 1/10th miles long? I had signed up for 2 miles and now there was a pre-walk walk. We were all gathered listening to this guy. Why not just start here and end all that much sooner? It is misadvertising like this that gets me going....but I digress.
The crunchy guy then introduces Brother Toby, who is to be our leader for the walk. Brother Toby is a monk from the Peace Pagoda. Brother Toby is white man, about 50 years old, dressed in robes to form what can be most closely described as a toga. He has a shaved head, thick glasses and is wearing high end hiking shoes. He is also carrying a drum.
Brother Toby bows deeply and leads us to the starting line. Now my spirits soared when I saw the ederly participants; The sight of Brother Toby truly inspired a sense of confidence. I mean I was just sure there was an inhaler tucked into his robes. Greg and I would stay a few paces back from the lead and when the finish line was in site, make our move to finish first, trying our best not to knock Brother Toby and the seniors over in the process (although thoughts of being compared to George Costanza and the fire alarm episode of Seinfeld did put a smile on my face!)
To be continued...
Monday, April 25, 2005
It's all uphill from here... Part 2
So at 7:15 Greg and I are on the road heading to Leverett, MA. With only one minor misdirection on our way there, we pull into the beautiful sanctuary at 8:08 am. We make our way down to the registration table and proudly announced that we would be walking. The volunteer clearly didn't know that was an option.
"Well the line to register to run is to your right," she said.
"Well the sign in front of you says Walker Registration," I informed her.
"Oh, we haven't had many walkers you could be the first. Let me find someone who knows how to handle walkers." I quickly looked around to determine which circle of hell I was occupying.
Another volunteer approached and explained that all I needed to do was turn in the registration form and donation. Walkers really don't need to register. We did get a nice shirt, though.
It was at this point we realized that Molly and her friend had not shown up yet. Just as I was thinking up a proper retaliation for standing us up, my cell phone rings. They too, had gotten lost and were now back on track.
Now that the whole group had arrived, we made our way to the respective starting lines. I was really excited to be participating in a walk through what really is a beautiful area. That excitement wouldn't last for long...
To be continued...
Monday, April 18, 2005
It's all uphill from here...Part 1
I sort of remember thinking to myself, "2 miles is nothing to walk." So I agreed on the condition that I could find a friend to walk with.
To be honest, I sort of put it out of my mind untill last week when I was reminded by Molly. "Did you get someone to walk with? The event is Saturday." So I enlisted the help of the one friend who I know is up for any challenge, Greg.
So Saturday morning arrives and my alarm goes off at 5:55 am. The plan is to meet everyone at 8:15. Greg has crashed at my place so we can make the early meet time. Now, it isn't until the alarm goes off that I realize I am voluntarily getting up at 6:00 in the morning on a Saturday. I contemplate this on the way to the shower and other realizations come flooding in. What if Greg and I are the only people not running? What if Molly and her friend decide to bail? Oh, what have I gotten myself into?
To be continued....
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
I need a montage
I am not patient. I want the results now. In the movies, this is where the director would insert a montage to show the protagonists journey and speed the film along. Picture Rocky 4 as Rocky works out in what has to be Siberian farm. The tune of John Cafferty's "Hearts on Fire" playing in the background. By the end of that song you knew Rocky was ready to represent the USA against Ivan the stereotypical Russian Athlete.
Now I am no Rocky, and don't mean to infer that I am, but a montage sure would be appreciated. I leave the song selection up to my readers. Please add them to the comments!