Friday, August 06, 2004

Free signed Cerebus

Free Cerebus Offer

Neil Gaiman has posted a way to get a free Sandman parody of Cerebus (You have to scroll down the page to get to the details. Back my former life of a geeky comic collector (as opposed to the geeky guy I am today) I used to love both Sandman (or anything else conceived by Gaiman) and Cerebus so I am sure that it is a great issue. Cerebus' creator Dave Sim will even autograph it for you! All you need to do is send him a letter requesting a copy and why he should send you one and he will send and even includes the postage. Truly a free offer.

I guess he wants to see, in the age of the internet who would bother sending a letter via snail mail. To be honest that interests me as well, so I am spreading the word.

Here is the info that can be found at the link above:

Amongst many other things, in Dave Sim's Cerebus (which is a story that took Dave and his partner-in-art Gerhard 300 issues to tell) he did, in the Women storyline, easily the best parody of Sandman anyone's ever done, as various members of the Cerebus cast of characters become Snuff, Swoon and the rest of the Clueless. It was wickedly funny, and had the author of Sandman curling his toes when he read it.

Dave Sim has made an extremely generous offer to readers of this journal (and indeed, to readers not of this journal, but just people who simply hear about his offer elsewhere on the Internet. Memes propagate, after all), which is the kind of offer that I found as interesting as he did. It's this:

If you'd like to read one of the Sandman parody issues of Cerebus, Dave will send you one. He'll send it to you very happily, free of charge. He will sign it for you, too. And he won't charge you a thing. Not even postage.

And if you're wondering what the catch is, it's this: Dave wants to know (as, I have to admit, do I) how many of the people out there in internet-land will actually go and do things that don't involve passively clicking on a link and going somewhere interesting. So what you have to do is write Dave a letter (not an e-mail. Dave doesn't have e-mail) telling him that you read that he'll send you a signed Cerebus, and telling him why you'd like him to send you a copy. It's as easy as that. And, quite possibly as difficult.

The address to write to is:

Aardvark Vanaheim, Inc
P.O. Box 1674 Station C
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 4R2

Dave, I suspect, thinks he'll get a handful of requests. In my more pessimistic moments, I think he's right, although I'd love it if he got deluged with letters, like those kids in hospitals who don't exist but are still collecting postcards...

This ends the geek portion of Me Talk Pretty. We now return you to the regular, self-indulgent prattle that can normally be found here!

-The Mngmt.

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