Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Pirate's Life For Me

After 6 days of vacation, I have decided I need to live at the ocean. This probably means I need to change my vocation. Here are some careers that would help me in my dream to live at the sea.

1. Professional surfer:
Pros - counter culture lifestyle, new way of speaking, bettys.

Cons - don't know how to surf, danger of looking too old to be a surfer, lack of agility, shark attack.

2. Fisherman:
Pros - Free seafood, cool boat, plenty of opportunity to quote Jaws "we're going to need a bigger boat"

Cons - I don't like seafood, I get severely seasick, I could do without the smell.

3. Pirate:
Pros - Cool parrot, cool lingo (AAarrrgghh), cool boat, fun nicknames, progressive disability policies (peglegs and hooks, a plus)

Cons - seasickness again, I'm a lover, not a fighter, fear of scurvy.

So, based on this list, I don't Think I have found my dream oceanside career. Any suggestions?


Maggie Moo said...

Hee hee hee...fear of scurvy-you crack me up!

I suggest bartender-you know, in one of those little huts you see in the movies.

Pros: Free time during the day to lounge in the sun. (I don't think you need more pros, really.) You get to learn cool tricks like that twirly move where you throw the bottles in the air and spin. Yeah. That would be cool.

Cons: You might get hit on by old shriveled women and perhaps a few young men. But hey, at least you'd be tan!

Nai said...


Good one. I need to watch "Cocktail" again to get the bartending moves down!


Maggie Moo said...

I just came by to say hi Ian! I'm very impressed by the massive amount of books you are reading this summer...question: Do you ever stop to eat, sleep or work? ;)

(Goodreads updates)

Nai said...

I actually am on a reading frenzy! I do a lot of it on the weekends at the beach!


M. said...

haha, i like the bartending suggestion!

love the blog!